The ZSol™ series of Processing Buffer Solutions are sterile, “xeno-free”, GMP chemically defined, ready-to-use and are USP grade. ZSol:M™, ZSol:F™ and ZSol:MH™ comprise the family of ZSol™ buffers. INCELL manufactures the ZSol™ line of buffers to support bioprocessing of products that may include cells and tissues from humans or animals. These buffers are also useful for making other biological products including vaccines, viruses, bacteria, and microbial and eukaryotic cell-derived products.
Store at Room Temperature.
incell的玛丽·帕特·莫耶(Mary Pat Moyer)博士于1993年以德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市的女性独资公司创立了INCELL CorporationLLC。INCELL建立在基础和临床学术研究,政府拨款以及与Moyer博士在人类细胞生物技术领域的专业知识的行业合同的坚实基础上,配方,再生医学和微生物学。自成立以来,INCELL一直是无菌培养基和细胞培养产品的制造商,并提供与新产品开发和测试有关的合同和咨询服务。金字塔图显示了该公司在制造细胞和组织产品,生物制品以及复合药物方面的能力及其GMP能力的演变。